It takes a tough guy to admit he has been smitten by a "foo foo dog." Or better, yet, to blame the smitten-ness on his wife...."She's Jacquie's Dog." tell the truth, we have been trying to place Babe in a home since February, 2000, when it finally occurred to us that it would take DYNAMITE to get Babe out of Chuck Bruno's house in Revere, Massachusetts. The Babe "Adoption" is a milestone for us! For months and months, we have listened to Chuck's sage advice warning rescue people NOT TO ADOPT their foster dogs.....words of wisdom directed at Denise, Ann and Audra who have all fallen to the temptation of what we now fervently call "The Babe Syndrome."
came to us from New Jersey. A sad, tired, abandoned, nine year old, chubby girl,
whose owner had put her and her housemate into a dreadful kill shelter. She
was rescued by the good folks at Angel Paws Multibreed Rescue, who advised Denise,
in Manhattan, of her desperate situation. Denise and Audra went out to meet
Babe in New Jersey, and brought her back to become part of the Heart Bandits
system. Babe first met Chuck when she went to Massachusetts for vetting. The
old girl lost most of her teeth ,which was a plus, because when she starts trouble
by biting Tara's behind, Tara can't feel it.
had a few cysts removed, and then received one of the worst Eskie haircuts in
Eskie history. Her fur was urine-stained and matted to the skin -- and Chuck
had to have her shaved in parts. What resulted was a multi-level asymetrical
look, that can never again be duplicated. A good look at Babe from behind, was
guaranteed to raise even the lowest spirits. Now, Babe is firmly ensconced in
Chuck's home, along with his girls, Tara and Trinket, and we are declaring the
adoption OFFICIAL. Chuck has promised us more pictures very soon.
Check out Trinket's adoption page and
Visit Tara and Trinket's Page on the Web!